Thursday, January 27, 2011

Being silly together

My mom, brother, sister and I are being silly and singing one of our favorite songs.

Annie on getting a new hamster

I wanted to take a video this time about how I am getting a new hamster. This time I plan to get a black bear hamster. I have to wait two weeks because the pet store only has babies. Watch my video!

Friday, January 21, 2011

the beach

I want to share another poem with you. This one is called The Beach.

The Beach

by Annie

At the beach I
put my feet in the sand
the crabs go by,
the seashells are shining
and the wales are big.

the beach

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Creative Composing...

In Girl Scouts we are working on our Creative Composing try-it. My mom is the leader of my troop. She gave out little composition books yesterday and told us to create anything we wanted, stories, songs, drawings, poems... Mom said, just to write about whatever is on our minds. She said that she wants our writings to be creative and original. I wrote a few poems and I thought I'd share just one of them.

Mother Nature

by Annie - age 8

I put my feet between the grass
as the sun shines across the sky
As the flowers grow and the bees fly
carrying pollen as they go by.
Let the leaves grow on the trees
thank you, Mother Nature for all of these.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sorry I've been gone.

Yesterday I started a new school that meets one day a week. My brother and I are taking two classes together and I am taking one by myself. In my second class the teacher mixed my name up and made me leave the class! She sent me to another class because she thought I was not on her roster. So I didn't actually take Spanish the first day. My mom was mad about that. In my third class, Beyond Beautiful Girlhood, I learned how to be beautiful on the inside as well as outside. Being a beautiful girl has nothing to do with how you look on the outside, it is how you feel and how you are on the inside. If you are a good person who is nice and kind, you are beautiful.

I am really sad that my hamster died. We are having a funeral for her on Saturday. I miss her. I don't like talking about it because I loved her so much. Goodbye, Henrietta. :(

That's all for now, have an awesome adventure!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I am excited about Saturday.

My friend Jenardre is having a birthday party on Saturday. I am invited to sleep over. We are going to paint nails, watch movies, eat popcorn, and sleep in sleeping bags. We are going to be watching Tangled. I haven't seen that movie yet so I am looking forward to it. Jenardre is one of my best friends. She is in my Brownie troop. I see her on Brownie meetings. We do lots of fun stuff. She has spent the night at my house many times and I've spent the night with her. She has a very cute baby sister. I can't wait for our sleepover. I am posting a video of the last Brownie meeting we had. We sang to Jenardre and had cupcakes because our meeting was on her birthday!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Great Snow Adventure!

This week was fun. We got a lot of snow. I made snowmen with my brother. we made six snowmen to represent the family. We made snow angels, had a snowball fight, we played in the woods, and we got stuck in a big hill of snow! We couldn't see the hole because of the snow. It was funny. My mom and dad didn't try to leave the neighborhood for days. The roads were so frozen! It would be too dangerous.

Next week, I will be starting a new class on Tuesdays. My brother and I will be taking two classes at the home school co-op in town. I am taking Spanish and Beyond Beautiful Girlhood. Mom says that the class is about little girls learning to be women. This school sounds really fun. There will be lots of other kids there and we can go once a week.

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Dogs

My dogs are the best pets I ever had. Scout is black and white. He is 9 years old and the oldest of the two dogs. He's my favorite. He is a Border Collie/lab mix. Wally is a white Shi zu. He is two years old. They are very protective of the family. Any time anyone comes into the yard they bark to warn us! One time we forgot to close our front door all the way and we left the house for a while. Scout got out of the house and when we got back he was sitting protectively on the front porch. It was very funny!

I hope to always have a pet dog! Life without a dog would be boring.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

If I were a wolf...

If I were a wolf I would howl at the moon. I would hunt for food like deer and rabbits. I would live in a large pack. I would have lots of babies and protect my family.

I would play with my family and the other wolves in the pack. I would have lots of friends. I would share everything with my pack.

I would love my territory and it would be big. The best part about being a wolf is I would not have to go to school and I would not have to get a job. I would love being a wolf! Life would be hard but exciting!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


We have a game tomorrow. The game is Multiplication facts. This is how you play:

First, mom reads the card and whoever answers the question correctly first, mom lays the card in front of them in a pile. Whoever gets the most questions right is the winner! The winner gets to draw a folded piece of paper from a bag that has different prizes in it. One example of a prize is a pizza party for Alex and I on Friday. We have our first game tomorrow! If I win I hope to draw out the pizza party! I love pizza!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What I think about my family

This picture has nothing to do with today's blog, but I like it. It's very funny. :)

I have a big family! I two moms, two dads, 6 brothers, and 1 sister! That's a lot. We don't all live together. My dad lives with my step-mom Reema and brother Ayaan. I live with my mom, step-dad Max, two brothers and one sister. My other brothers live with their moms.

Here are my brothers and sisters, and what I think of them:

Nick- He is a very nice brother. He is the oldest. I think he is 22 now. He is now a police officer like my daddy. He is really tall. The girls think he is handsome. I think he is very funny. He played football and was very good. When I was a baby, I called him Shoo-shoo...well, I still do sometimes.

Anthony- He is a very nice brother. He is 18, I think. I'm not sure. He is also tall and handsome. He plays sports just like my other brother, Nick. He is a senior in high school and he will go to college soon. He is also very funny. My mom tells me funny stories of things he did when he was younger. Mom says he was a very good kid. She also told me he got into a lot of trouble for silly things. I call him Bro-bro.

Ayaan- He is five years old. He is very funny also. He reads books by guessing at the pictures. He likes to dance and rap. We fight a lot, but that's just what brothers and sisters do, I guess. Ayaan doesn't celebrate Christmas- we have other holidays instead. His mom is Pakistani, so a lot of the things we do over there are things she does. It's fun.

Liam- He is my little brother. He is three. I don't know him as well as my other brothers. I haven't seen him in a very long time. He is handsome like my daddy, he is funny, and he is smart. He looks like me. I'd like to see him again very soon.

Alex- He is my age. We are almost like twins- only not really. We fight a lot. We live together all the time, so I guess that's why. I think Alex is very handsome, too. He has very blue eyes that are beautiful. He loves to build things with his LEGOs and play cars. We like to play in the woods together in our tree-house, which isn't really a house or in a tree, but that's what we call it. We like to ride bikes and skate boards together. He makes me laugh a lot. I love him very much. Even when we don't get along.

Teddy- He is two. He is very cute. He loves to play with Alex and me. He thinks he is a big boy and can do everything we do. Sometimes he can. He calls his food "Foffees," which I think is cute. He takes very long naps. Sometimes I wish he wouldn't so I can play with him. He calls his special blanket, "night-night." He cannot go anywhere without it! It's very funny when we have to take it everywhere.

Danielle- She is 15. I think she is very pretty. She hangs out with her friends a lot and I wish I could hang out with them, too. She says I'm too little. I guess that's true. She likes to watch t.v. in her room. We fight sometimes, but not a lot. I like when she and I play with my hamster, Henrietta. I like when she braids my hair. She likes music, clothes, and make-up. She likes the color yellow and pink.

I have a big family, I love them very much!

Monday, January 3, 2011

My hero is...

My dad is my hero. He is a cop. He helps people and helps me by arresting criminals. If my dad didn't work so hard to keep us safe, criminals would be able to break the law without rules. When we are at home, he makes sure I play safely. My dad takes me for walks and talks with me. He feeds me, his food is delicious! He is always there for me! Thank you dad, for being my hero!